Check out these Top 20 Produce Hacks for Saving Money today! You’ll love these great hacks, you can save your produce for longer and spend less money on it!
Top 20 Produce Hacks for Saving Money
1.) Get Produce That’s In Season
Make sure you get your produce when it’s in season, it’ll taste better and last longer!
2.) Learn How To Freeze Your Fresh Produce
You can save big when you freeze your fresh produce, just keep out enough for that week and then you can freeze the rest to use later!
3.) Shop The Sales
Be sure to check out the sales on produce at your store and buy it at the lowest price!
There are certain vegetables that you can regrow in water and then in the dirt, like lettuce, onions and more!
5.) Keep Your Berries Fresh Longer
You can use glass ball jars to keep your berries in, you’ll be surprised how much longer they stay fresh!
If you store your onions in panty hose they’ll stay good as long as 8 months, which is AWESOME!
7.) Make Berries Last Longer By Using Vinegar
You can make your berries last a lot longer by dipping them in a vinegar mixture and killing all the bacteria on them. Let them dry completely and you won’t taste the vinegar
8.) Store Celery, Broccoli & Lettuce in Foil
You can keep your celery, broccoli and lettuce fresh longer by putting it in foil before you put it in the fridge
9.) Store Your Herbs with Plastic Over Them
You can keep your fresh herbs lasting a lot longer if you hold them up like flowers with rubberbands and cover them in plastic
10.) Learn How To Store Tomatoes
Know how to store your tomatoes based on ripeness, if your tomatoes are perfectly ripe store them at room temperature in a single layer, if they’re upripe then store them in the fridge
11.) Freeze Your Chopped Onions
You can go ahead and chop all of your onions up and put them in the freezer that way they’re ready to use!
12.) Store Apples and Onions Together To Keep Them From Sprouting
Be sure to store your apples with your onions, it’ll keep the onions from sprouting, but don’t store your onions with potatoes because it makes them go bad faster!
Be sure to price match your produce at your favorite stores, particularly if other places are having a sale!
14.) Keep A Paper Towel With Your Lettuce
You can put a paper towel in with your lettuce when you store it to keep the moisture off and keep your lettuce from going bad
15.) Store Asparagus in Jars Like Flowers
You can store your asparagus in jars and cover it with a produce plastic bag, it’ll keep them fresh a lot longer!
16.) Keep Bananas Fresh By Covering The Crown of Them with Plastic Wrap
You can keep your bananas fresh by using plastic wrap and covering the crown of them, they’ll stay good for longer, which is hard with Bananas because they go bad so fast!
17.) Store Mushrooms In Paper Bags
Be sure to keep them fresh by storing your mushrooms in paper bags rather than plastic
18.) Freeze Your Herbs in Olive Oil
You can keep your herbs fresh by freezing them in olive oil, it’s perfect to cook in the skillet or in soups!
19.) Store Your Ginger in the Freezer
You can keep your ginger in the freezer to keep it fresh and able to be used for a much longer time
20.) Freeze Green Onions In Water Bottles
Repurpose your old water bottles by using them to freeze green onions and make them last for a lot longer!