Are you looking to make some extra cash? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could do so while setting your own schedule and being your own boss? In select cities, Amazon is allowing you to do just that! Amazon Flex is a new program being rolled out by Amazon, where everyday people just like you can sign up to be an Amazon delivery driver. Make cash, set your own schedule, all while helping Amazon customers getting the products they need. Want to know more about Amazon Flex? Take a look below and see why the Amazon Flex app is something you should consider!
1. Make your own schedule.
When you sign up with Amazon Flex, you set your own schedule. When you log into the app, you will be allowed to set your schedule according to times that work for you. Just scroll through the delivery hours and options that Amazon needs covered, then pick the shifts you wish to cover.
2. Earn anywhere from $18-$25 an hour.
The money you can earn from Amazon Flex is amazing! Drivers will earn $18-$25 an hour. Payment is determined by a variety of factors. When you log into your account on the Amazon Flex app, your hourly rate will be determined. You never work not knowing exactly what you will be making for your time.
3. Work part time or full time.
With the Amazon flex app, you work as little or as much as you want. This allows you to work part-time in addition to another job, or you can take on more hours if you have the time to fill. The app offers flexibility that works with everyone’s schedule.
4. Applying is easy.
Just head to to get the process started. Simple questions to determine your eligibility. In order to apply, you will need a smartphone (any carrier) as well as a sedan. If you drive a truck, it must have a covered truck bed and not be open.
5. Not on the list of cities hiring? Get on the waitlist!
Amazon Flex has been rolled out in 50 cities, with new cities joining in regularly. If your city isn’t on the list, don’t panic. Sign up for the waitlist so as soon as your city joins the program, you can too!
6. Start delivering!
Once you are registered with the app, you can start making money. The app will tell you where to pick packages up, allows you to scan the packages, then tells you where to deliver. The app will also keep track of your hours and earnings, all in one convenient place. What is cool is this app offers a hub for all of your needs, making sure your experience is an easy and organized one.
Are you ready to earn some extra cash in your own time? Then give the Amazon Flex app a try. See if you qualify to be an Amazon delivery driver and start making cash on your own schedule today!