Green Giant Veggie Tots Coupons
We have some new Green Giant Veggie Tots Coupons for you to print! You can use those Green Giant Coupons to pay just $0.05 per bag of Green Giant Corn Veggie Tots!
- PRINT: $1.00/1 Green Giant Veggie Tots, Riced Veggies, Mashed Cauliflower, Roasted Veggies, Harvest Protein Bowls, or Cauliflower Pizza Crust printable
- PRINT: $1.00/1 Green Giant Veggie Spirals printable
Target carries the 16 oz bags of Green Giant Corn Veggie Tots for $3.59 each. Pricing may vary by region. Buy 1 bag and use this $1.00/1 Green Giant Veggie Tots Coupon paying $2.59 out of pocket. You can then redeem this $2.00/1 Green Giant Corn Veggie Tots Ibotta Rebate making it only $0.59!!
Green Giant Corn Veggie Tots, 16 0z – $3.59
$1.00/1 Green Giant Veggie Tots Coupon
$2.00/1 Green Giant Corn Veggie Tots Ibotta Rebate
Pay $2.59 out of pocket, earn $2 Ibotta Rebate
$0.59 after coupon and rebate!
Green Giant® is the registered trademark of B&G FOODS NORTH AMERICA, INC.