As the new year approaches, you might be thinking more about clearing away clutter and starting in a space that is fresh and clean. Yard sales can be a hassle, and sometimes your clutter may have too high a value for a basic yard sale. Sell Your Stuff apps are the perfect solution. When you utilize these apps, you can downsize while making some cash in the process. Want to know more? Look below at 7 sell your stuff apps that will help you get organized and make the most of your space while earning you cash! Here is what you need to know.
Declutter & Organizing Tips
Sell Your Stuff Apps To Earn You Cash & Get You Organized
1. OfferUp
OfferUp is a free app you can download in seconds. Setting up an account is easy, just answer a few questions and specify the area you are selling in. Simply take a photo of the item you want to sell, and you can use up to five photos to sell your item. Add a price and description, selling category, and specify if you are willing to negotiate. Once you get an offer, you can meet the buyer in a public place and exchange the item for cash. You can rate transactions when done.
2. Letgo
Download the app to your phone for free. With Letgo you have the option of giving your item away for free or selling it. Simply create your account and include your zip code so your items are listed in the appropriate area. Take a photo of your item and add up to 1500 characters to describe it. Like OfferUp, you can then arrange to meet up with interested buyers in a public place to complete the sale.
3. CPlus
If you are a fan of Craigslist, you will like CPlus. This is a third party app with the same rules and regulations as Craigslist. Once you agree to the terms you can set up an account to sell. Snap a pic of your item, make sure you note the location, and add a description. All communication to complete the sale is done through the app. Once you make a sale, you can then arrange to meet in public and exchange for cash.
4. 5miles
This is a newer, lesser-known selling app but it does seem to be growing in popularity. You can sell from either the app or desktop, which makes selling easy. You can add photo or video, a description, and your price. While most listings are free, you will need to pay a small fee if selling in bulk. You can also pay to promote your items so they can be seen by more people. All of the transaction is done via the app, and you can even transfer money within the app.
5. DeCluttr
The nice thing about the Decluttr app is your buyer is already waiting for you. Simply download the app and use the scanner to scan your books, movies, and music. The app will give you an offer for each piece and you can choose to accept or decline. Then, print out the free shipping label, mail your items to the warehouse, and you will get paid within 24 hours of it being received. So easy!
6. Trove Market
If you are looking to sell furniture, Trove Market is perfect! This selling app specializes in furniture pieces including high end and vintage pieces as well. Within the app, you can chat, make an offer, or even prepay for a purchase. You also have the option of meeting in person and paying at pick up.
7. Facebook Marketplace
If you frequent Facebook a lot, you might as well be using it to clear away clutter. Use the Facebook Marketplace to sell your clothing, toys, music, movies, furniture and more. You can list items for free and appeal to buyers right in your own area! You can load multiple photos, chat with Facebook, and choose a public space to meet up.
As you can see, you have many options when it comes to selling your clutter! Consider these selling apps and see if any of them can help you downsize while making some extra cash.